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Join us Thursday October 31, 2024 and celebrate
Reformation Day!

5:30pm Light Dinner
6:30pm Reformation Worship Service

What is Reformation Day and why do Lutheran's Celebrate It?


Reformation Day, also known as Reformation Sunday, is a Protestant Christian (non-Catholic) holiday that celebrates the origins of Protestantism (non-Catholic). It's typically observed on October 31 or the last Sunday of October, depending on the denomination. The holiday commemorates Martin Luther, a German monk who is said to have posted his Ninety-Five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany on October 31, 1517. The Ninety-Five Theses were a document that criticized the Catholic Church, and Protestants consider this day to be the beginning of the Reformation. It was when protestants had discussions about their disagreements with the Catholic Church in regards to sin and forgiveness and indulgences as a way to get into heaven.


Lutherans often wear red on Reformation Sunday to represent the Holy Spirit, zeal, and martyrdom. The color also serves as a reminder of those who have been martyred for their faith in Jesus, and the blood they shed in defense of the Gospel. 

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We celebrated on
Sunday January 22, 2023

Trinity's 125th Anniversary!
We are the oldest Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in San Diego, CA!

There was Special Music by:
Choir from Pacific Coast Chorale (Directed by John Nettles)

(Check them out Here!)
Dale Sorenson, Organist
Floyd Willis, Tenor Soloist
Trinity's Mens Praise Group
Joe Hellmers, Trombone

And there was an amazing Luncheon after worship:
Catered by Bill Major Events & Catering!

(Check them out Here!)

Pictures and Video of the Event to come! Stay Tuned!
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